Saturday, July 26, 2008

I finished it!

Well I made my first official quilt. I started it before Little Tyler was born but just finished it a few days ago...... Took me a little while to get it done. For not knowing what I was doing or having any help, I think it turned out alright. I made it pretty much just for playing on the floor, and to give it a little something extra I put ribbons on the edges, L.T. really likes those. If I knew what I was doing there probably would be about 5 or so steps that I could have skipped in making it, and it might not have taken so long to make, but oh well.It looks like it's going to serve it purpose well.


Deanna said...

I like your quilt. It is bright and colorful. I also like the ribbons on the side. They allow for different texture and fun feelies. (is that a word?) After teaching myself to knit and all those other things, I can understand that feeling that comes when learning something on your own and having a finished product that turns out okay. I would venture to guess that in a relatively short period of time you will become quite proficient at quilting. Great job! I am proud of you. BTW, there is this quilt top here that your Grandma Martha made umpteen years old that needs to be quilted--you interested. ;) MOM

Anonymous said...

Hey... What about that one "quilt" we made for Tyler? What's that? Chop liver??? JK I know, tying it off doesn't make it a quilt. Anyway, good job! I was starting to think you were like me... only talent is making adorable kids! ;)