Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Quiet Morning

Well today started out of the norm for us. For one thing, except for L. T. crying for a bottle, everyone woke up happy and no incidents. Chloe and I headed outside to take her to school and it was really quiet out there too. It had started to snow last night. Because no one else was walking, no dogs were barking, and there were very few cars out, we could hear the snow crunching. It was just one of those peaceful mornings, and a nice change.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Fun For Kids, Not Me.

So I was thinking that I hadn't posted anything for a while and was trying to come up with something to say. Leave it to the kids for, let's call it, motive.

In our basement we have the girls room, the toys, laundry, and so on. Well today, I'm not sure which, but one of them thought they had come up with a great idea. Talisha and this girl I've been watching the last few weeks came upstairs to inform me Cara had gotten into the laundry soap. I had found it sprinkled on the floor before, so I was thinking the same thing happened. I told them I would be down in a few minutes to check. A few minutes later they come back up to tell me they cleaned it, hearing this made me happy for help, but I didn't want them touching it and getting in their eyes or mouth.

At this time Cara walks in with it on her face and I find out she'd eaten some. This makes me start to wonder what happened. When I get to the top of the stairs I see a small amount of detergent on the them. Then it happens. I go around the corner and it's EVERYWHERE! To get an idea how much it was, we have the large box and I opened it yesterday to do laundry, half of it was gone. The only room they missed was the bathroom. Now they are confined to the upstairs, which is just as hard on me as it is them, I can't tell them to go play when they get too noisy. The only good thing about it is my downstairs smells really good, powerful, but good.