Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Chloe's 5th Birthday

Today was Chloe's 5th birthday. She chose to have a Hannah Montana theme party. It was the first time that she got to invite her friends to her party. So, we had Trevor and Chris, Tylee, Ashlyn, and Jase, and Madison. Then Tyler's mom, Aunt Dawn, Uncle JD, and Grandma Ross came. Also Matt, Brian, Peter, Kenna, and Nicole. We ended up with quite the turnout. As you can imagine, Chloe got quite a few presents as well. She loved all of them. Last night she realized some of the things that came along with getting older. Before bed she expressed how nervous she is about starting school. Hopefully as it gets closer to time she'll start to feel better about it. But all in all it was a really good day. The kids had a good time making door hangers and playing with the balloons, Tyler and I kept our sanity. Now just two left for the year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sheesh! I was just going to look at my calendar today because I knew your kids' b-days were all coming up. I forgot that Chloe's was so early in June. I hate June! There are so many b-days this month. What is it about September that makes people want to crawl in bed and keep each other "warm?" ;)

Well, I'm glad the party went good, anyway. I can't decide if you're awesome or crazy for having so many people there!! Tell Chloe Happy Late Birthday from us!