Friday, October 24, 2008

Oh, The Falling Leaves!

Well, fall has moved on the state of Utah. With the leaves changing color and cold in the air, the reality of the holiday season starts to set in. The girls get full of anticipation and Tyler and I get to try not to go crazy, as people tend to do in preperation. It's hard to believe that Halloween in only a week away. The good thing about this time of year, it's great for a lot of pictures. The kids and I snuck away and played in the leaves. We came across leaf monsters and leaf angels. I captured some moments to share with you. You can even see Little Tyler's mohawk.


Angi Gerrie said...

Your kids are so darn cute!

Anonymous said...

Cute pics! So, what's with the monsters and angels coexisting in the leaves? Isn't that against the laws of nature or something? Or... maybe you were being metaphorical and referring to the kids... hmmmmm..... which is which??? ;)